Olga Muravina

In childhood, the image of the surrounding world is endowed with amazing features: toys come to life, animals become human. The kid on the rider is in such perfect state. He seems to be turning into an unity with the revived horse which he is embracing. This is plastically emphasized. By this artwork, she wanted to convey love and unity, the warmth and peace of childhood.

The composition - a child on a horse - are taken from life. They arise with the growing  of each new child in our family and thus have been present for many years. Once we made a toy horse for our daughter Alyonka. It was very interesting to watch how she interacts with it. She sat on it with a kind of dreamy look, how she hugged it, how many different emotions were born in her from this communication. Then, due to circumstances, I did not have time to capture it in sculpture, but the image remained. Then Sashulya was born and “history” repeated itself. Then the first rider was made. And now, when Kiryusha was born, the plot returned to us for the third time.

That is, this topic continues throughout life, matures, transforms, and is filled with new content. You can notice the oncoming movement when, like in a dream, reality and fiction get confused or change places. Here, too, a real child and a toy horse are trying to level up, to come to a unity, both emotional and plastic and stylistic. The child becomes more toy and more real. This is the same as in the mind of a child, who perceives a toy as alive, endows it with character and human qualities, while not in any way self-deprecating, which makes it easier to imagine oneself as anyone.

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Olga Muravina

«The sculptures by Olga Muravina have a rare quality to please in everyday life, and not only in a gallery or museum. This is living art that you want to keep next to you as a necessary beautiful thing. Her sculptures appeal to deep emotions of playing, security, and tactile communication with the world while at the same time building an aesthetic distance in relation to those non-reflective and basically childish energies that inspire her creativity.

Olga Muravina virtuously masters the form and endows it with the most delicate brutality, perhaps in order to neutralize the pathos that accompanies the maestra and the medium of mastery itself - stone and bronze. Besides those materials of eternity, Shakespeare's reminder that we are made of the same substance as dreams seems less poetry than a bare fact of reality. Olga Muravina transfers the transitoriness of dreams into materials of eternity, and creates sculptures as a stunning fact of our poetic existence”.

- A. Evangeli / Curator, art critic and theorist of contemporary art

Olga Muravina is a famous Moscow artist. She studied and graduated at the Moscow Academic Art Lyceum and Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after Surikov. In 2000, she joined the Moscow Union of Artists and Union of Moscow Sculptors, and founded the art-project «Ars forma». In 2008, Olga joined the Moscow Union of Designers.

Among her exhibitions: 

2009 Open Art Fair exhibition in Utrecht, the Netherlands

2009 “ARTI09” in The Hague, the Netherlands

2010 Personal exhibition, “Small Moscow Paradise”, Center of contemporary art “M`ars”, Moscow

2010 Personal exhibition, gallery “Noordeinde” in The Hague, the Netherlands

2011 “Mixed Media. Monochrome” gallery 11.12 Winzavod Centre For Contemporary Art

2012 "Mixed Media2" gallery 11.12 Winzavod Centre For Contemporary Art

2012 “Art mosaic. From Russia with love” Gallery 11.12 in Singapore

2013 NordArt 2013, International Contemporary Art Fair Germany, Büdelsdorf

2013 Carré Doré Collection, Galerie Carré Doré, Monaco

2013 11.12 Gallery’s First Anniversary in Singapore

2014 NordArt 2014, International Contemporary Art Fair Germany, Büdelsdorf

2014 "Russian Contemporary Art", Carré Doré gallery, Monaco

2014 “Usadba Jazz”, Arkhangelskoe Museum-Park, Moscow

2014 “Illusions” open-air sculpture exhibition, Kolomenskoye Museum, Moscow

2014 Exhibition “Russian Contemporary Art”, Carré Doré gallery, Monaco

2015 Personal exhibition, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow

2015 Affordable Art Fair, Singapore

2016 Exhibition at the Association of Moscow Sculptors, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow

2016 Exhibition dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the gallery 11/12, CSI ”Winzavod" Moscow

2018 “Creative Environments”, Central House of Artists, Moscow

2018 Solo exhibition, “Easy Reverie”, Alabriga, Spain

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